Yogurt Production: |
Utensils used: |
1 Plastic container
- The Container has to have a with lid and can be of any capacity as long as it can contain >1 Liter of
milk. |
Container must be clean of any bacteria as it can kill the Lactbacillus
- wash thoroughly, then fill with boiling water for 5 minutes to sterilize it and let
dry |
1 Dark-colored Cloth or towel |
To cover the product from strong daylight while in fermentation |
1 Liter of Milk |
We recommend UHT Milk [no need to boil and pasteurize], found in
Tetra-Brik packs in any store. |
1 Sachet: |
Vitalac Yoghurt L+ |
Thermometer |
If not available, you can estimate temperature
[ see below] |
Yogurt Maker Machine - keeps a constant 40 C temperature and makes yogurt in 6-8
hours [Optional] |
Note: A yogurt maker is optional in the Philippines as our local indoor ambient temperature - between 23-30 degrees C - is ideal for yogurt production without the need of a yogurt maker. The only variation is that fermentation time is somewhat longer: between 6-16 hours. |
Process: |
Milk - 1 Liter
Note on Milk used:
1. UHT [type] milk, at ambient temperature, you may proceed directly and
add & mix thoroughly 1 Sachet of Yoghurt L+. Using UHT-type milk makes production a lot easier.
2. Other types of milk [Pasteurized and non-animal milk like soya, rice and coconut]: You will need a milk/food thermometer - Before mixing the Yoghurt L+ ferment, you must pasteurize the milk [even though the milk pack specifies that it is
"Pasterurized Milk"] by heating it to 90 degress C [10 degrees below boiling point] for 25 minutes, then let it cool to 40 degress C, and only then proceed to
add & mix the sachet of Yoghurt L+. Proceed the same way with soya, rice and coconut milks. For yogurt production without the use of a thermometer, see below.
3. If you want more consistency in your yogurt, you may add instant skimmed milk powder [optional].
Fermentation Culture - Add
1 Sachet |
VitaLac Yoghurt L+
Starter Culture or Ferment
When the milk is between 23-40 C,
only then can you add & mix thoroughly the sachet of Yoghurt L+ to
the milk and then cover with lid and a dark cloth to shield from
strong daylight. |
Fermentation Temperature:
1. Using UHT Milk, as it comes packed from the store, and local [Philippines] indoor ambient temperature [except Mountain Province], which is between 23-30 degress C, is ideal for yogurt production without even the use of a thermometer or a yogurt maker machine.
2. When using Pasteurized animal or non-animal [soya, rice, coconut]
milk - which you must first pasteurize at 90 C for 25 minutes - you must cool the milk to 40 C or below before mixing in the Yoghurt L+ sachet - if not, you run the risk of killing all the culture of Lactobacillus, resulting in a liquid, acid milk product but not yogurt.
Fermentation Time: Between
6-16 hours, depending if you are using a yogurt maker or not [indoor
ambient temperature] |
Once you have added the Yoghurt L+ sachet, you must leave it be to ferment
and avoid frequent moving or agitating. |
Time for Yogurt Maker: That specified by your machine or from 6-8
hours |
Time without Yogurt Maker: With Philippine indoor ambient temperature,
time varies from 6-16 hours, depending on temperature variations. |
Product: Milk solidifies into yogurt |
your milk solidifies into yogurt, let it ripen in the refrigerator for
8-12 hours and it's ready for consumption. It keeps fresh in the
refrigerator for 7 days. |
Make succesive batches of yogurt by re-innoculating the culture to
other liters of milk [Repeat Process 14 times] |
Before the third day of each batch, do a successive batch or
re- innoculation of another Liter of milk PLUS 4-6 tablespoons of the previous yoghurt batch to process more yogurt.
You can make up to 14 succesive batches [14 Liters of
milk] and even more but from then on, the bacteria progressively looses activity and you may have to adjust your production times [more fermentation
time] or start with a new sachet of VitaLac Yoghurt L+. |